
Machineries and tools developed at IIHR for mango

Harvesting tools, machineries for pickle making, hot water treatment plant for mango

Root media sieving and Bag filling machine

• Manually operated, it can be motorized
• To sieve and clean rooting media
• To fill the polythene bags for fruit nursery
• Operators : 2 Nos
• Capacity : 200 – 250 bags per hour

Root media sieving and Bag filling machine: Motorized machine

• To sieve, mix and fill rooting media
• To fill the polythene bags for fruit nursery
• Operators : 3 Nos
• Capacity : Around 700 bags per hour

Manual – harvester

• Manually operated
• It has cutting blade and collecting net
• To harvest mangoes with 1-2 cm pedicel
• Increases shelf life of mangoes
• Capacity : 100 -150 kg/h

Tractor operated hydraulic platform – pruning

This tractor operated hydraulic platform is having a variable height of upto 6m. The fruits can be easily harvested from a height of 9-10m. The platform can also be used for pruning and spraying of the orchards.
• To rejuvenate senile orchard through pruning
• Tractor hydraulic operated
• Helps operator to reach 20 feet
• Engine operated pruners are used for pruning
• Capacity : 1 - 2 trees / hour

Tractor operated hydraulic platform - Spraying

• To do spraying operation in orchard
• Tractor operated sprayer fitted with spray tank in trailer
• Helps operator to reach 20 feet
• Capacity : Approx. 5 min / tree


• Operators can harvest mango by hand plucking, using mango harvester branch shaking using collecting net
• Helps operator to reach upto 20 feet
• Platform can be stopped at desired height
• Capacity : 500 – 750 kg/ h


• Cuts slices into 4 to 8 slices depending on mango size.
• Capacity – 1 tonne/hour
• Operators reqd. – 2 Nos.
• 3 man-hrs required to slice & transport 1T mango on slicer
• 16 man-hours required to cut one tonne mango manually.


• Capacity – 200 kg/hour
• Cost benefit ratio 1:5
• Suitable for chutney and pickle industry

Hot water treatment plant for mango

• Hot water tub with electric heaters to treat in crates
• Control of Fruit fly– 46°C for 65 minutes duration
• Control of Anthracnose – 52°C for 10 minutes duration
• Capacity - 1 tonne/hour for control of anthracnose
• 200 kg/hour for control of fruit fly

Hot water treatment plant

• Evacuated tube type solar hot water system of 1000 l has been integrated with mango hot water treatment plant to save electrical energy 30 -45 % depending on the temperature.

Dipping tool for spongy tissue

• Arka Saka Nivirak of 125 ml / litre of water
• 40-60 % maturity stage of fruits at 10 days intervals
• 15 seconds to treat one or two mangoes
• Cost of IIHR Mango Fruit Dipping Tool is Rs.3000
• Cost of operation : Rs.0.50 – 0.60 per fruit dipping
• Rs. 1.25 per fruit in spraying.