Arka Udaya

A new late-season variety of mango ‘Arka Udaya’ has been identified by the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR).
It is a sweet, high-yielding variety of mango with a long shelf-life.
It can stay fresh at room temperature for about 10 days without refrigeration.
It is a late-season variety and yields after other mango fruit trees have stopped fruition. The tree bears fruit every year.
The yield was high at around eight tonnes. 
Arka Udaya is a hybrid made by crossing Amrapali with Arka Anmol.
Amrapali is a hybrid from Dasheri and Neelam so it is sweet and the pulp can be scooped out and eaten. Arka Anmol is a cross from Alphonso and Janardhan Pasand.
Arka Udaya has all the good traits of these varieties.

Commercial Mango variety of Northern India.

One of the choicest varieties of North India. Very rich in vitamin c. Excellent fruit quality. Good keeping quality and canning quality. Commercial bearing from 4th year of planting. Highly susceptible to mango malformation. It is a mid-season variety with biennial bearing tendency. Fruits are medium sized, with pleasant flavour, tastes sweet, pulp is firm, and fibreless. Stone is thin and keeping quality is good.

Commercial Mango variety of Northern India.

Langra: most popular verity grown in India. Wide adaptability, scion characters very much dominant. Fruit quality excellent. Biennial in bearing habit. Tree vigorous and spreading.. It is a mid-season variety. Fruit quality is good. Flesh is firm with lemon yellow colour, scarcely fibrous. It has a characteristic turpentine flavour. Keeping quality is medium.

Commercial Mango variety of Northern India.

Chausa is one the sweetest mangoes grown in North India, It has medium oblong and has a golden yellow colour with a red blush. It mainly produced in Mirpur Khas Sindh in Punjab of Pakistan. Most delicious fruits, available late in the season. It is a late maturing variety of North India, which matures during July or beginning of August. Fruits are large weighing about 350 to 400 g. Fruits are bright yellow in colour. Pulp soft and sweet. It is a biennial bearer.

Bomabay green 
Commercial Mango variety of Northern India.

Bombay Green: Earliest among then commercial type’s taste and flavor excellent. Serves as a good blend for mango nectar. Highly susceptible to both vegetative and floral malformation. Keeping quality of fruits poor.  It is a biennial bearer. The fruits are medium sized weighing around 250g. Fruits have strong and pleasant flavour. Pulp is soft and sweet.

Commercial Mango variety of South India

This is commercial variety of South India. It is regular in bearing with very high capacity and fruits reach fully mature late in season. Fruits are big having average weight of 500-800g. Fruits are medium to large with prominent sinus. Fruit quality is medium. It has typical flavour and tastes flat. Flesh is cadmium yellow and pulp is fibreless less juicy and 76-77 % in content.

Commercial Mango variety of South India.

It is a widely cultivated early season variety of South India. It is a commercial variety of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu where it also known as a Banganpalli. Fruits are spheroid to oblique in shape, Big in size. Average weight is 500 -700g and having a big lenticels on skin. Fruits are good for Table purpose, for slicing and equally suitable for canning purpose.The fruits are large sized, weighing on an average of about 350 to 400g. The pulp is fibreless, firm with sweet taste and is yellow in colour. Fruits have good keeping quality.

Commercial Mango variety of South India.

It is a heavy yielding late season variety of South India. Fruits are medium sized with good quality and flavour. Flesh is soft, yellow and fibreless. Keeping quality is good, this is indigenous variety of Tamil Nadu gain high popularity in other mango growing regions due to its regular bearing habit. Late fruit maturity and short plant stature and sue to these reasons it also extensively utilized in breeding programmes to develop superior hybrids of mango. 

Commercial Mango variety of South India.

This is commercial variety of South India. It is a large fruited variety with good fruit quality. The fruits of Malgoa are large in size, spheroid to roundish oblong in shape and yellow in colour on ripening with crimson blush on shoulder. Flesh is firm, mustard yellow and fibreless. It has good flavour and tastes sweet.The pulp is soft, juicy and sweet. Fruit quality is good but keeping quality is average. It is late season variety.

Commercial Mango variety of Eastern India

This variety is indigenous and one of the choicest varieties of West Bengal. Fruits are attractive, medium in sized with excellent flavour and average weight of 250-300 g obovoid in shape, Have shallow cavity at stalk attachment and ripe fruit containing TSS 18.5- 19.5% and pulp content is 71-72% and it is an early seasoned variety.  It is a regular bearer. It matures early. Taste is sweet. Flesh is firm and fibreless. Keeping quality is good.

Commercial Mango variety of Eastern India.

The variety is famous in Eastern India due to its characteristics rose flavor and very sweet in taste. Trees are medium, moderately vigorous. Fruits are medium, 175-248g and it is a regular bearing.

Commercial Mango Variety of Eastern India

This variety is indigenous to Murshidabad in West Bengal. Fruit size is medium, oblong and golden yellow in colour. Fruit quality is very good. Keeping quality is medium.

Kishen Bhog 
Commercial Mango variety of Eastern India

Fruit size is medium. Fruit quality and keeping quality is good. It is a mid-season variety.

Commercial Mango variety of Western India.

It is one of the highly preferred varieties of mango in India. It is mainly grown in the Ratnagiri area of Maharashtra and to a small extent in parts of South Gujarat and Karnataka. Fruits having long shelf life and is most exported variety. Fruits containing higher content of pulp.  Fruits are medium sized (250g) have attractive blush towards the basal end. Pulp is firm, fibreless with excellent orange colour. It has good sugar/acid blend. Keeping quality of the fruit is good. It is susceptible to spongy tissue.

Commercial Mango variety of Western India.

It is one of the few regular bearing commercial variety of India and has high yield capacity. This is a famous variety of Saurashtra region of Gujarat. It is an irregular bearing variety. Fruits are medium sized. Flesh is sweet and fibreless. It has excellent sugar-acid blend. Fruits ripen to attractive apricot-yellow colour with a red blush. It has good processing quality.

Commercial Mango variety of Western India.

It is native to coastal Maharashtra including Goa and is a popular variety in Karnataka It matures early and is a heavy as well as regular bearer. Fruits are medium sized with good quality. It has good flavour with good sugar acid blend. Flesh is soft, primuline yellow and fibreless. Keeping quality is poor.Trees of this variety are spreading and medium to high yielding capacity.

Commercial Mango variety of Western India.

It is one of the commercial cultivars of Gujarat. Fruits are extensively preferred for pickling making in almost every home in Gujarat. It is a heavy and regular bearer. Fruits are large sized. It matures during early to mid-season. Flesh is firm, pinnard yellow and fibreless. Keeping quality is medium.